My Ideal Job

I Am

director of inspiration,
of creative fulfillment,
of artistic experiments.

Quirky faces,
and poetic daydreams are my resume.

Susan Stone

(copyright protected)

Pandemic Lonely

Pandemic Lonely

I am the heartbeat
in a room of paper-thin

once comforted
like a couch blanket,
now, silent faces
stare from four walls
like caged cons.

It’s been over a year
and I miss you, world.

Your coffeeshop chatter
and clicking cups
and midday
chocolate croissants.

Your storefronts
in yellows shirts
and brown shorts
with shoppers
in glass windows.

Suitcases stuffed with

sandals and swimwear

on airplanes
with wings and wind
to seashell beaches
of breezy evenings
and drumbeat music.

Just two shots
in the upper arm
with sharp needles.


I’ll hug a son,
I’ll breathe in his scent,
I’ll touch his naked face.

By Susan Stone

Copyright Susan Stone’s Photo Art

My Inner Critic is a Pain in the Neck


She gets my attention by pinching my neck.
“See, you are hurting yourself, and for what, no one cares. Why draw and paint faces or dogs and cats with funny ears and imperfect eyes? Why write these words and post to a blog that no one sees? Why do you do it? ”
I look at my funny cat drawing, and I tell her.
“Because it makes me happy.”

Copyright 2018 Susan Stone