Painting/Poetry Prompt: write about a work in progress painting

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Milling around the lollipop city,

black coral arches,

points to peek-a-boo windows.


Who will open the lopsided door?

Who hides under the cotton candy veil?

Who sheds the drippy tears?


A windy day blows away blue,

a cyan heart breaks,

a smiling face appears.

Susan Stone

One thought on “Painting/Poetry Prompt: write about a work in progress painting

  1. We cast a pall of sepia misery
    Over the past of mills and foundries.
    The grey drizzle smothers
    Huddled figures shivering
    In dark corners.
    But the sun shone just as brightly.
    Laughter and loving lingered
    Behind arched windows,
    Hearts could be blue
    But unbroken, able
    To echo the joyful sun’s cradle.
    The world was crowded with colour
    Amidst the struggles and defeats.


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